









Serbia is landlocked country located in the Balkans (a historical and geographical region of southeastern Europe) and in the Pannonian Plain (a region of central Europe). It shares borders with Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Albania. It is landlocked, although access to theAdriatic is available through Montenegro, and the Danube River provides shipping access to inland Europe and the Black Sea.
Serbia covers a total of 88,361 km2 (34,116 sq mi), which places it 111th in the world. Its total border length amounts to 2,026 km (1,259 mi) (Albania 115 km (71 mi), Bosnia and Herzegovina 302 km (188 mi), Bulgaria 318 km (198 mi), Croatia 241 km (150 mi), Hungary 151 km (94 mi), Macedonia 62 km (39 mi), Montenegro 124 km (77 mi) and Romania 476 km (296 mi)).It has 6,167 registered settlements, 207 urban and 5960 others (rural)
Arable land covers 19,194 km2 (7,411 sq mi) (24.8%), and woods cover 19,499 km2 (7,529 sq mi) (25.2%) of the territory of Serbia.
Serbias terrain ranges from rich, fertile plains of the northern Vojvodina region, limestone ranges and basins in the east, and in the southeast ancient mountains and hills. The north is dominated by the Danube River. A tributary, the Morava River flows through the more mountainous southern regions.
In central parts of Serbia, the terrain consists chiefly of hills, low and medium-high mountains, interspersed with numerous rivers and creeks. The main communication and development line stretches southeast of Belgrade, towards Niš and Skopje (in Republic of Macedonia), along the valley of Great and South Morava river. Most major cities are located on or around that line, as well as the main railroad and highway. On the East of it, the terrain quickly rises to limestone ranges of Stara Planina and Serbian Carpathians, relatively sparsely populated. On the West, height of mountains slowly rises towards southwest, but they do not form real ridges. The highest mountains of that area are Zlatibor and Kopaonik.
Mountains cover the largest parts of the country.  Four mountain systems meet in Serbia: Dinaric Alps in the west cover the greatest territory, and stretch from northwest to southeast. Carpathian Mountains and Balkan Mountains stretch in north-south direction in the eastern Serbia, west of the Morava valley. Ancient mountains along the South Morava belong to Rilo-Rhodope Mountain system.
Climate of Serbia is moderate continental with a diversity on local level, caused by geographic location, relief, terrain exposition, presence of river and lake systems, vegetation, urbanization etc. Proximity of the mountain ranges of Alps, Carpathians, Rhodopes, as well as Adriatic Sea and Pannonian plain affect the climate. Location of river ravines and plains in the northern area of the country enable occasional deep southward protrusion of polar air masses on winters, while hot Saharan air often intrudes over the Mediterranean Sea on summers.
Average annual air temperature for the period 1961-1990 for the area with the altitude of up to 300 m (980 ft) amounts to 11 °C (51.8 °F). The areas with the altitudes of 300 to 500 m (984 to 1,640 ft) have average annual temperature of around 10.5 °C (50.9 °F), and over 1,000 m (3,281 ft) of altitude around 6 °C (42.8 °F).


Serbian Orthodox                 84.6%,
Catholic                                  5%,
Muslim                                    3.1%,
Protestant                              1%,
atheist                                    1.1%,
other                                      0.8%, 
undeclared or unknown     4.5%


•    Track length: 4,093 km
•    Line length: 3,809 km
•    Main lines length: 1,768 km
•    Length of other lines I and II category; 2,041 km
•    Electrified line length: 1,279 km [1]
Narrow gauge: Some narrow gauge railways are being reinstated for touristic purposes

•     A1: Szeged, Hungary - Subotica - Novi Sad - Beška Bridge - Belgrade - Niš - Leskovac - Grdelica - Vranje - Preševo - Kumanovo, Republic of Macedonia.
•    A3: Slavonski Brod, Croatia - Šid - Belgrade.
•     A4: Niš - Niška Banja - Pirot - Dimitrovgrad - Sofia, Bulgaria.
•    Total: 37,937 km (2002)
•    Paved: 23,937 km (2002)
•    Motorways: 688 km (2011)
•    Unpaved: 13,950 km (2002)

•    Belgrade Nikola Tesla - BEG
•    Belgrade Batajnica - BJY
•    Kraljevo-LaÄ‘evci Airport - LYKV
•    Niš Constantine the Great Airport - INI
•    U�ice-Ponikve - UZC



српски / srpski (Serbian)


Добродошли (Dobrodošli!)

(General greeting)

Здраво (Zdravo)

Hello (on phone)

Молим (Molim)

How are you?

Како си? (Kako si?) - inf
Како сте? (Kako ste?)
Како сте Ви? (Kako ste Vi?) - frm

Reply to How are you?

Добро сам, хвала. А ти?
(Dobro sam, hvala. A ti?) - inf
Добро сам, хвала. Како сте Ви?
(Dobro sam, hvala. Kako ste Vi?) - frm

Long time no see

Дуго се нисмо видели (Dugo se nismo videli)
Дуго се нисмо чули (Dugo se nismo čuli)

Whats your name?

Како се зовеш? (Kako se zoveš?) - inf
Како се зовете? (Kako se zovete?) - frm

My name is ...

Зовем се ... (Zovem se ...)

Where are you from?

Одакле си? (Odakle si?) - inf
Одакле сте? (Odakle ste?) - frm

Im from ...

Ја сам из... (Ja sam iz ...)

Pleased to meet you

Драго ми је (Drago mi je)

Good morning 
(Morning greeting)

Добро јутро (Dobro jutro)

Good afternoon 
(Afternoon greeting)

Добар дан (Dobar dan)

Good evening 
(Evening greeting)

Добро вече (Dobro veče)

Good night

Лаку ноћ (Laku noć)

(Parting phrases)

Довиђења (DoviÄ‘enja) - frm
Видимо се касније! (Vidimo se kasniјe!) - See you later!
Видимо се ускоро! (Vidimo se uskoro!) - See you soon!
Видимо се сутра! (Vidimo se sutra!) - See you tomorrow!

Good luck

Срећно (Srećno)

(Toasts used when drinking)

Живео! (�iveo!)
Живели! (�iveli!) - Lets live long

Have a nice day

Пријатан дан желим (Prijatan dan �elim)

Bon appetit / 
Have a nice meal

Пријатно! (Prijatno!)

Bon voyage / 
Have a good journey

Срећан пут (Srećan put!)


Да (Da)


Не (Ne)


Можда (Mo�da)

I dont know

Не знам (Ne znam)

I understand

Разумем (Razumem)

I dont understand

Не разумем (Ne razumem)

Please speak more slowly

Можеш ли причати спорије? (Mo�eš li pričati sporije?) - inf
Можете ли причати спорије (Mo�ete li pričati sporije?) - frm

Please write it down

Молим Вас можете ли ми то написати?
(Molim Vas mo�ete li mi to napisati?)

Do you speak English?

Да ли говорите енглески? (Da li govorite engleski?) - frm
Да ли говориш енглески? (Da li govoriš engleski?) - inf

Do you speak Serbian?

Да ли говориш српски? (Da li govoriš srpski?) inf
Да ли говорите српски? (Da li govorite srpski?) frm

Yes, a little
(reply to Do you speak ...?)

Да, (нешто) мало говорим српски
(Da, (nešto) malo govorim srpski)

Speak to me in Serbian

Можеш разговарати са мном на српском
(Mo�eš razgovarati sa mnom na srpskom)
Можете разговарати са мном на српском
(Mo�ete razgovarati sa mnom na srpskom)

How do you say ... in Serbian?

Како се на српском ... каже?
(Kako se na srpskom ... ka�e?)

Excuse me

Извините! (Izvinite!)
Опростите! (Oprostite!)

How much is this?

Колико ово кошта? (Koliko ovo košta?)


Жао ми је (�ao mi je)
Опростите (Oprostite)


Молим вас (Molim vas) - frm
Молим (Molim) - inf

Thank you

Хвала (Hvala)
Хвала лепо (Hvala lepo)
Хвала вам (Hvala vam)
Много вам хвала (Mnogo vam hvala)

Reply to thank you

Молим (Molim)

Wheres the toilet?

Где је тоалет? Gde je toalet?)
Где је купатило? (Gde je kupatilo?)

This gentleman will pay for everything

Овај господин ће све платити
(Ovaj gospodin će sve platiti)

This lady will pay for everything

Ова дама ће све платити
(Ova dama će sve platiti)

Would you like to dance with me?

Желите ли да плешете са мном?
(�elite li da plešete sa mnom?)
Могу ли да добийем овау плес?
(Mogu li da dobijem ovaj ples?)

I miss you

Недостајеш ми (Nedostaješ mi) - inf
Недостајете ми (Nedostajete mi) - frm/pl

I love you

Волим те (Volim te)

Get well soon

Оздрави што пре! (Ozdravi što pre!)

Leave me alone!

Остави ме на миру! (Ostavi me na miru!)


У помоћ! (U pomoć!)


Пожар! (Po�ar!)


Стани! (Stani!)

Call the police!

Позовите полицију! (Pozovite policiju!)
Позовите милицију! (Pozovite miliciju!)

Christmas and New Year greetings

Христос се роди (Hristos se rodi) - Christ is born
Ваистину се роди (Vaistinu se rodi) - truly born (reply)
Срећна Нова Година (Srećna Nova Godina) - Happy New Year

Easter greetings

Христос васкрсе (Hristos vaskrse)
Christ resurrected
Ваистину васкрсе (Vaistina vaskrse)
truly resurrected (reply)

Birthday greetings

Срећан рођендан (Srećan roÄ‘endan)

One language is never enough

Знати један језик није довољно
(Znati jedan jezik nije dovoljno)

My hovercraft is full of eels
Why this phrase?

Мој ховеркрафт је пун јегуља
(Moj hoverkraft je pun jegulja)






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